Molecular Structure:
- Cat. #: APC-458
- Product: Protopine
- CAS No.: 130-86-9
- Molecular Formula: C20H19NO5
- Molecular Weight: 353.36856 [g/mol]
- Plant Source: Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br
- Specification: 98%min by HPLC
- Packing: Fine Vials
- Availability: In stock
- OtherName: Fumarine, Biflorine, Corydinine, Macleyine, 130-86-9, Protopin, 7,13a-Secoberbin-13a-one, 7-methyl-
- Grade: R
Product References:
Protopine ∣130-86-9∣Aktin Chemicals Inc
TheProtopine is for R&D only and we currently offer only at above mentioned quantity. If you have commercial & bulk demand for it, we are also very happy to do the enlarged production at industrial scale for your esteemed company.